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„Anna and Andrew, thanks! For our wedding which took place on 04.11.14 in Konopishte. I am very glad that the circumstances went in such happy way and I accidentally met your excellent agency on the internet expanses, this is fate) thanks for response so immediately. Thank you for attention, confidence, and simplicity of everything to be organized.Thanks for the bouquet which was brought so sweetly in the morning, make-up from the good and professional Jana Akhmetova, such a sincere registrar, and translator, thanks even to them). Thanks that we were not thinking about anything, but only enjoyed that day, and this is your professional job and the excellent organization of our day! Thanks that you were with us tthat day, you are members of our family. Admittedly, it was important because we were together. It is a pity that there is no joint photo. Everything was so charming! I can not describe! And still numerous thanks! You are the best!!! Good luck and prosperity to you! We will think back all the life to this day, you and everyone who participated with a kind word!“

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